Student Testimonials
Brandan Naef, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Hannah Jones, West Virginia University
“From this experience, I gained a new sense of confidence and independence that I will carry with me from now on. Being able to see the world and travel on my own has pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow as a person. Strasbourg is very centrally located and makes it very easy to get out and travel around Europe. The CEPA program was great because they supplemented our in class learning with excursions around the area to help us learn more and experience our environment. If given the chance I would do it all over again”
Jonah Harris, Georgia College and State University
“Selflessness, inspiration, and consciousness; these are the type of values and people that the ESC program attracts.”
Shinnay Richards, Georgia State University
“This experience was definitely worthwhile, and taught me a lot about myself that I was afraid to admit. I also learned so much about Europe that the history books did not include, and I must say it is intriguing to learn about a countries history while being able to visit the monumental areas.”
Andrea Crooks, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
“I learned so many things about other cultures through the other international students I met in classes. It was fascinating to see the similarities and differences between education, and the way everybody lives in Europe.”
Elizabeth Crawford, West Virginia University
“I learned a lot about myself. I gained several life lessons that I will apply in the future. Finally, I got to experience different cultures.”
Cameron Geer, Georgia State University
“Do it! Definitely worthwhile. It is important to learn the local language and step out of your comfort zone.”
Emily Tingler, West Virginia University
“It was an amazing experience and I will be grateful for that opportunity forever.”
Fall Semester Program